Justified Defiance: Benedict Arnold at Saratoga and George Custer at Gettysburg
What do Benedict Arnorld and George Custer have in common? Jusitified Defiance
What do Benedict Arnorld and George Custer have in common? Jusitified Defiance
In this installment, you will be introduced to the 12 different stages a mythical hero archetype goes through in his hero’s journey.[1] Then we will map Meade’s heroic journey using these 12 stages. The 12 Stages of the Hero’s Journey ONE. Ordinary World The reader meets the hero and learns about his ambitions and limitations. [...]
George Gordon Meade is one of the United States’ greatest reluctant heroes. No American has received a more important call to duty, or resisted the challenge with greater zeal, than did Meade. Reluctantly assuming command of the Army of the Potomac four days before the opening shots of the Battle of Gettysburg, he displayed brilliant [...]