News & Media2022-11-03T20:36:32-06:00

News & Media

Who Had the Spencer Repeating Rifle at Gettysburg?

General Buford or General Custer? For many years I believed that General Buford’s cavalry troopers repelled several waves of Confederate infantry on the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg – July 1, 1863 – using the Spencer repeating rifle. I was wrong. During my research for my historical novel [...]


3 Things Most People Don’t Know About General Custer

In this installment, you will take a deeper dive into the details of some of Custer's fearless actions at the Battle of Gettysburg. And you will be introduced to some fascinating books and the historians who wrote them. One. Before Little Big Horn: Custer's dauntless heroism at Gettysburg For those [...]


Rear Admiral Becker (USN Ret.) Reviews “Without Warning”

From Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute, October 2020 Book Reviews (page 85) "WITHOUT WARNING: THE SAGA OF GETTYSBURG, A RELUCTANT UNION HERO AND THE MEN HE INSPIRED" Reviewed by: Rear Admiral Paul Becker, U.S. Navy (Retired) "This is an amazing, exciting, easily readable historical novel. America’s Civil War and those who [...]


Feature in Monument Living

HOT OFF THE PRESS: Without Warning is featured in the August 2020 edition of Colorado's own Monument Living Magazine! Charlie Searle's "Community Corner" showcases local talent - and evokes community pride. You can find more on Monument Living on their Facebook page.

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Kirkus Reviews “Without Warning”

Pierce begins this detailed work on June 27, 1863. It is the middle of the Civil War, and President Abraham Lincoln and his team in the White House want a change. The Rebels have invaded Pennsylvania. A wrong decision could very well lead to an attack on the nation’s [...]

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